Nutritional therapy

Nutritional Therapy

A natural, bio-individual approach to nutrition to support and optimize your health.

Keep reading to learn more about nutritional therapy Or jump right to how to find an ntp near you.

As hunter-gatherers that foraged and hunted in the wild, the diet of our ancestors was naturally nutrient-dense, seasonal, local, and minimally processed. This nourishing diet helped keep to keep them relatively free of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

In stark contrast, our modern diet is full of nutrient-devoid foods that are grown with a wide variety of harmful substances like pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics, and then processed with additives and preservatives. We have swapped out nutrients for convenience, which is starving us of nourishment while making it too easy for us to overload on calories. This increased consumption of ultra-processed foods has also been associated with cognitive decline.

Soil depletion from intensive farming practices has reduced the amount of vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in our food. Raising animals in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is producing less healthy meat while also creating health issues for workers and those who live nearby and environmental issues in the surrounding community.

We are almost completely disconnected from where our food comes from and how it’s produced. We are more familiar with large corporate brands and mascots, rather than our own local farmers and ranchers. To make matters worse, with over 6,500 food deserts in the US, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for folks in a growing number of communities to even find nutritious, unprocessed foods.

This disconnect with our food, coupled with the lack of nutrients in our diet wreaks havoc on all of our body’s systems. Without the building blocks supplied by proper nutrition, our bodies can’t maintain decent health, let alone perform optimally. When eating these nutrient-devoid foods, we often find ourselves in a vicious cycle of eating more to try and get the nutrients our bodies so desperately need. Sadly, this surplus of calories and lack of actual nourishment often results in dysfunction in our organs and tissues, ultimately culminating in disease.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

It’s still possible to optimize our health by getting back to a diet rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and clean water. We can support the growing community of regenerative farmers and food producers that are working hard to produce food that can not only revitalize and nourish us as individuals but our local communities and environments as well.

Certified nutritional therapy practitioners work with clients to help them identify a more natural, bio-individual approach to eating that works for them. They guide them in navigating the modern food system to find foods and nutrients that work for their body and their specific health goals. They help them recognize the cues and signals their clients’ bodies give them to better understand how different foods and nutrients affect their health and well-being. This individualized approach is effective in identifying deficiencies while providing the nutritional support our bodies need to function optimally.

These professionals can work with you to help you create your own individualized roadmap to vibrant health!


Ready to start your journey to better health? is an online directory designed with you in mind, making it easy to find a qualified nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP) near you who can help you achieve your health goals. Finding the right practitioner is crucial, and this user-friendly directory allows you to quickly locate NTPs based on their specialty or the specific health condition you’re seeking support for.

Whether you’re dealing with digestive issues, hormone imbalances, weight management concerns, or simply want to optimize your overall well-being, this directory connects you with qualified professionals who are passionate about helping you thrive. These practitioners are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to guide you on your journey toward vibrant health.

But it’s not just about finding an NTP—it’s about understanding the transformative impact they can have on your life. provides valuable information on what NTPs do and how they can support your well-being. You’ll discover the power of personalized nutrition plans, targeted supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments that can help you unlock your body’s full potential.

Take the first step towards a healthier you by clicking the link below. Explore this comprehensive directory, discover the wealth of knowledge and support these NTPs offer, and embark on a journey of wellness that will leave you feeling empowered and energized.